1 & 2 september 2024

Photo contest

There are no events in Zundert that are captured on film on such a large scale and from so many angles as the parade.


Corso Zundert is very photogenic! Colourful fields of of flowers, fantastic Corso floats, tiny details, beautiful people, emotions, unique moments.

Are you proud of your photos and wish to share them? Then we invite you to participate in our photo competition.

Since 2024 the photo contest is digital. We will exhibit the best photos online which will have been evaluated by a jury. The winner will be announced mid-October.

Want to join?

Download the rules and the description of how to submit your photos.

Note: the regulations for the photo contest are only available in Dutch. If you have any questions feel free to contact us fotowedstrijd@corsozundert.nl.

Download regulations


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