Photo contest Corso Zundert during Zinderend Zundert
26 Nov 2023
The Zundert Corso is full of beauty, emotion, colourfulness, togetherness and experience. Every year, this is captured from hundreds of different angles. For this reason the annual photo contest is organised. This is how we look back on the parade year.
On Sunday 17 December, we look back at the 2023 Corso during Zinderend Zundert, which was previously known as Winter Wonderland. All photos that in any way give a glimpse of before or behind the scenes of this year’s Corso event can be submitted. Photos showing the splendour of the flowers and the grandeur of the floats. Or the passion of the corso builders, the togetherness within the hamlets, the experience of visitors and employees or surprising details.
The photos will be on display at Café 2, Katerstraat 17, in Zundert. The exhibition is open from 10 am to 5 pm. At 4 pm the prize winners will be announced. Have you taken the corso photo of 2023? Then submit it. Submit your photos before 3 December. For more information, please visit our website:
Cover photo: Mieke van den Heijkant – Van der Velde
Winner photo contest Corso Zundert 2022