Corso coin 2021/2022
21 Aug 2022
As Corso Zundert could only go on as a slimmed down version in 2021, it was then at that time decided not to put the Corso coin 2021 into circulation although it had already been produced then. In order to give everyone the opportunity to collect a Corso coin with the image of the winners of 2019 it was decided to use the Corso coin 2021 yet in 2022. So this year’s coin mentions 2021 but it is valid in 2022!
Furthermore, from this year onwards one can only pay by pin transaction at all vending machines. This way we take the cash flow out of the event and that contributes to the sustainability and the safety of yourself and our volunteers. At the participating catering businesses it is still possibe to pay cash. The price of the Corso coin has been determined at €2,80.
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